Author: @Bea

Art In A Time Of Crisis – Interview With Lisa Russell

Conversations Across Borders
A podcast born as a collaboration between GlobalNet21 and Traces&Dreams

The World Health Organization in collaboration with arts and entertainment influencers and public personalities as well as leading arts and cultural entities are launching #SolidaritySessions and #SolidarityShows to a global audience.

Art, alongside science, is the way we can make sense of this moment of uncertainty and isolation, through an expression of solidarity and love with family, friends, as a community, a nation or as a species.

Celebrity musicians are sharing #SolidaritySessions, powered by Global Citizen, which are live performances taped in intimate settings and offered for free on social media to help share important updates and guidelines, show solidarity and raise funds for emergency programs. Tune into the sessions by following hashtag #TogetherAtHome.

We will be interviewing Lisa Russell who is a consultant/curator for the World Health Organization. Lisa is an Emmy-winning filmmaker, UN/NGO Storyteller and Artist Curator, 2x TEDx Speaker, Fulbright Specialist and Founder whose work lies at the intersection of arts, social justice and global development.

Hong Ching Goh

Hong Ching Goh
Senior lecturer, Urban & Regional Planning

Goh, Hong Ching is a senior lecturer and currently the Urban and Regional Planning program coordinator at the Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Malaya.

She holds a Doctor of Natural Science degree (Geography) from Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn (attached to ZEF), Germany, a Bachelor degree in Urban and Regional Planning and a M.Sc. degree in Tourism Planning from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

She is a corporate town planner registered with the Malaysia Institute of Planners and the Board of Town Planners Malaysia.

She was a visiting scholar in the MIT-UTM Sustainable Cities Program (2014/2015), a member of the Global Young Academy 2015-2019), a fellow of the ASEAN Science Leadership Program (2016/2017).

Her recent research interests focus on the interface of development and conservation domains and the cross-cutting challenges and implications, which include urban planning and urbanization-related risks, tourism planning and impact management as well as the multi-level governance of natural resource and protected areas.

Currently, she is heading the Malaysian case study in the prestigious 4-year program ‘Blue Communities’, an interdisciplinary program aimed at capacity building among the researchers from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, United Kingdom and Vietnam for sustainable interaction with marine ecosystems.

A conversation with Dr. Hong Ching Goh

How can urban and natural environments come together without compromising conservation efforts? And what can those living in such environments do to help?

Hong Ching Goh, a doctor in natural science and expert in urban and regional planning, has dedicated most of her academic career to the study of one of Malaysia’s – and the world’s – most diverse ecosystems. She tries to find common ground between different groups in the area to preserve its natural value while also increasing its development.

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. We draw attention to the big questions that researchers from a variety of disciplines and countries are grappling with. We seek their work-related insights, their perspective on life, their dreams and the “whys” driving what they do.

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Read the transcript of Hong Ching Goh's Video here

Nerina Finetto: Welcome to our series Researchers with a Passion. My name is Nerina Finetto, and my guest today is…

Hong Ching Goh:
I’m Hong Ching Goh. I’m from Malaysia, and currently I’m working as a senior lecturer in the Department for Urban and Regional Planning, in the Faculty of Built Environment at University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur.

Thank you so much for joining me. What are your main research interests?

Hong Ching: The research topics themselves are very much related to how my cause has evolved over the years. In the beginning, I started with urban planning, so we started planning for the urban areas. Then, with my Master’s degree, I worked on tourism planning. Around that time, I realized that when we talk about tourism and urban areas, what has always been missing is the foundation, the fundamentals of the resource. Because this is where we see that the resource forms the foundation for urban areas to operate. This becomes the foundation for tourism, and that’s how I shifted into natural resource governance.

Natural resource here involves forests, water, rivers. Then, of course, I also focus on governance, because I believe that that is the driver that has the most impact on how natural resources are being utilized and exploited.

Urban planning and natural resources are related topics, right?

Hong Ching:
How I see urban planning is that it should not be exploited at the expense of natural resources. These two should come together and build what we call the sustainable development of urban areas, or the sustainable development of cities. We have sustainable cities on the list of sustainable development goals for the first time, because these didn’t appear, for instance, in the millennium development goals.

One of the reasons is that we plan our cities without considering natural resources, and that’s where disasters start coming in. We only see urban areas as a built environment, a concrete environment. We don’t really see urban areas and urban development as an ecosystem that combines the built environment with the natural environment.

What are you working on right now?

Hong Ching:
At the moment, because I moved a bit from urban planning to what we call regional planning, I’m working on national parks and also marine parks in Sabah, which is located in Malaysian Borneo.

The Borneo Rainforest is the oldest in the world. One hundred and thirty million years old; that’s 70 million years older than the Amazon. Out of the 12 regions of mega-biodiversity in the world, Borneo ranks with Amazonia and Equatorial Africa.

Borneo lies in the heart of the mega-biodiversity eco-region of the Indo-Pacific basin and Malaysia. Sabah is special, because in terms of biodiversity per unit area, Sabah is the best in Borneo. According to National Geographic, ten square kilometers of Malaysian rainforest have more flora and fauna than that of North America and Europe combined.

Here, in the Indo-Pacific global center of coral biodiversity is the cradle of coral evolution. Beginning with 70 genera in areas around Borneo, it reduces gradually as one moves outwards. The Coral Triangle – the Amazon of the Seas – is the center of marine biodiversity for the world. It is home to one of the most diverse collections of marine life in the world, with over 75% of coral species known to science, over three thousand species of reef fish, over five hundred species of coral. This is unmatched in the world in terms of marine biodiversity per unit area.

Hong Ching:
Sabah is the poorest state in Malaysia, but they also have the most beautiful natural resources. You can climb up to the mountain, – that’s where the highest mountain in Malaysia is located -, and it has a fabulous marine ecosystem in the sea. So the beauty of Sabah is both at the mountaintop and in the sea.

What is the most relevant topic you are investigating?

Hong Ching: It is about the interactions between humans and nature. That’s the main research question we are looking at, but then we go into detail. We are looking at how humans utilize resources, what is the state of the natural resource we are talking about, and how we can make a relationship between these two for the wellbeing of the people and, at the same time, for the health ecosystem of the marine biodiversity.

What results have you gotten so far? Do you have any concrete suggestions?

Hong Ching:
Good question. So we’ve started with the national parks, and the main thing is that we really have to consider people’s livelihood before we can actually address nature conservation. I think the natural resource is not that we appreciate it in terms of its intrinsic value, but the first thing we need to understand is why people are utilizing it and why they are exploiting it, and from there we can find options to address the issues of how humans and nature interact. Then, what are the challenges behind it, before we can actually provide a solution for it. And this actually needs time.

I’m from peninsular Malaysia, and as I go into Malaysian Borneo, even though I’m Malaysian, I am considered an outsider. So the main thing is to gain the trust, and that trust will help understand the real situation, the real issues that exist in that particular study case.

What kind of methods do you use? Do you have a quantitative or qualitative approach?

Hong Ching:
We started with quantitative, but to understand the dynamics, it’s not easy at all if you want to use a questionnaire survey.

Now, for instance, I extend my research from the national parks to the marine parks. We started combining interviews, focus group discussions and also stakeholder meetings, because stakeholder meetings will address one of the central questions, which is about governance. We see how people interact and how they provide opinions, how they address issues, before we go into the smaller group.

When we have these stakeholder meetings, we gather all the stakeholders we can identify, and then they discuss the issues. But this is where we go into the second layer of stakeholder meetings, because it’s where we realized what would be the dynamics: who you can talk to, who you cannot, how to address the issues with someone you cannot talk to, for instance, because of some sensitivity. At the same time, there are those we could talk to, but for the same reason, they were reluctant to talk during the first layers of stakeholder meetings because of the power struggle.

So that is when I realized that stakeholder meetings provide a very good platform for us to collect data on the topic of governance at a more formal, but you can actually say “informal” level.

Who are the stakeholders?

Hong Ching:
In natural parks, we have a Sabah Parks Board of Trustees, we have the Forestry Department, and in marine parks we have fishery. We have the agriculture department, we have the NGOs – and NGOs are not only limited to the nature conservation NGOs. There’s community NGOs, and these can also be divided again. For instance, those that are a local initiative, those at the state level, and of course, we have the international NGOs. For instance, what we are dealing with now is the WWF and Reef Check. So those are at the international levels, but of course their offices are in Malaysia.

Then, the local initiative NGOs is where power struggles start coming in because they always feel so capable. So we always need to consider the weaker ones and those who are very vocal, because if the vocal ones have the impact or implications when we come to a group discussion, it will make the weaker ones keep silent. That’s where we really have to identify them.

Apart from that, we involve the universities, and their researchers always have their passions and interests, and it’s not very easy to work together from the very beginning. It requires some understanding, and trust as well, and that would actually help when we talk about how to exchange data and exchange opinions, because when we talk about research ethics, this is something that you have to be careful about as well.

Back to when I mentioned the stakeholders and government agencies. In Malaysia, because we have a federal monarchy, we have government agencies at the federal level and at the state level as well, and they have their dynamics in their interactions, too. So those are the dynamics we really have to consider when we do the stakeholders’ analysis as an outcome from the stakeholder meetings.

What is the biggest challenge at the moment?

Hong Ching:
It’s territorial. I think all the stakeholders have different interests, and so far there is not much consensus building, and consensus building is meant to bring everyone together. To give you an example, we deal with fishery and we talk about conservation-based NGOs, so it’s two conflicting agencies in terms of interests. One wants fish, but you are talking about conservation. So this is conflicting, and how to come to a consensus? That is something most of the agencies avoid actually discussing, because when we talk about reaching a consensus, it actually means that you have to compromise, and no one wants to compromise.

That is something very tricky, and at the same time we realize that in the case of national parks, compared to the marine parks we are working on, they have a different dynamic when they talk about different challenges, and the degree of the challenges is also different.

What kind of outcome would you like to see from this project?

Hong Ching:
The ideal situation – I’m sure that when it comes to guiding principles, the closest we get to would be the best – is to make every stakeholder understand not only about their own interests, but also about other stakeholders’ interests, because when everyone has at least made known their interests, then you can make a decision about what is right. Understanding what other people’s interests are, I think, is the most important thing.

In developing countries, in the past – for instance, in Malaysia -, traditionally when there’s talk of development and planning, it’s always top-down. When we say top-down is when the local people are not well understood about their needs; it’s always the government that thinks ‘we are doing the best for you’.

But now since we have stakeholders, we are not talking about the government interests at the federal or the state level, but we are also talking about the local communities that try to get involved as stakeholders.

Actually, I forgot just now, when it comes to stakeholders, the largest ones are the local communities. If I give an example, every parent would like the best for their children and sometimes they actually forget about their children’s needs. So this is an example I would try for our government – they are trying to do the best for the local people, but sometimes they may not fully understand their needs. So when we have these stakeholder meetings and analysis, we go on the ground, we do the job, get their opinion, and this is best for starting the conversation.

This means that you would like to have an influence on future policies, right?

Hong Ching:
It would be policy relevance in a way, I would say, but we do not want to approach policy makers directly. Of course, we see how these issues are addressed now, and why it’s become so important. The main reason is that it is no longer focusing on science-based research. What is more important is the society and how to link science to the society, and this society includes the policy makers, the local communities at the grassroots level and the society as a whole, since we’re becoming a more developed, progressive society.

So this is where I see that we try to combine the scientific research, but at the same time we try to learn from the local communities. Learn from them, try to combine this, and then try to use a very diplomatic way to talk to the policy makers.

How difficult is it to initiate change?

Hong Ching:
We need to change even the system itself, but to change it, we’d have to tell the government to change it, and that is not possible.

What we learned from the case of mangrove conservation in Malaysia is that scientists have done a lot of research about the importance of the mangrove. It didn’t work for the policy makers. So we are using another way, and also being in the university as an academy.

What would be right for our role is that I’m not going to the NGO, I’m not going to the policy makers either. What we would like is to become a mediator, linking what is actually being addressed by the NGO, what is actually being addressed by the local communities and link with the bureaucrats, so there is a channel to try andto facilitate dialogue again. Because this is what we see in Malaysia. Governments refuse to listen, and then the scientists will be publishing, but we don’t see a bridge to make that more fruitful.

Why are you so passionate about these topics?

Hong Ching: I didn’t like from the beginning. I was born and brought up in a rural area, in a small village. I remember that there were only two Chinese families out of 72 households.

Being a rural girl, I would say that I appreciate trying to go to urban areas. I went to the university – I was a science student until secondary school. Then, I decided to choose urban and regional planning because for a secondary student to choose a university in Malaysia, there were very few choices. Two universities offer the courses, and you have to go for two years at what we call high year secondary school, and then you can have a full choice of universities to enter.

At that time it was Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Universiti Putra Malaysia, and at UTM – apart from urban planning, architecture and quantity surveying – there were engineering courses, and I thought at the time that it was very boring to go into an engineering course because I wasn’t fascinated by it. That’s how I got into urban and regional planning.

After my first degree, after five years, I took the tourism planning course. I actually liked the natural area, and that’s when I conducted my case study for my mini-thesis in national parks. After that, I worked in the corporate sector for four years with a developer, so basically I was cutting down trees for four years for real estate development. The company I was working with was one of the top five companies in Malaysia in real estate development.

After four years, I started to think about what I really want in my life, and I was lucky enough that I got a scholarship. That’s when I fired my employer and then afforded my studies. At that time, the topic I chose was eco-tourism.

Back to the question you asked, – why I chose that -, I think it was already in me, but I didn’t realize it. But when I chose my case study, in Kinabalu Park, which is also the first World Heritage site in Malaysia, and it’s in Sabah. I am still working on it – I started in 2005.

When I went to the site and stayed in the forest for one year, I realized how nature shapes humans. People are very friendly, innocent, and kind, and coming from a corporate background for four years, I would say that I was toxified to an extent. It’s also the society when it comes to Malaysia, and also that I was brought up in a Chinese family and in Oriental or Asian society, there’s always this unconscious – or maybe conscious – competition. People will ask: “how’s your daughter doing in exams?” and I realized that sort of competition, to an extent, equipped me to survive in the corporate world. But at the same time, I was losing myself.

Back to the nature, I learned about this, I learned how to be myself and express myself much better. In Germany, I was attached to this Center for Development Research. My colleagues and friends were from all over the world, and that’s how I learned to listen, instead of having to guard and protect or defend what you’re saying. Because you have to learn to listen, not only talk. And listening is actually the best language, I would say.

That’s how I link back to nature, because in nature you do not need to speak, and that helps me now, when I’m doing my research with a stakeholder meeting or a focus group discussion. To listen to people carefully, to what they are talking about, and to be patient as well. I really appreciate how it actually evolves.

Are there any moments from your childhood or your past that you think may have played an important role in becoming who you are today?

Hong Ching:
Childhood. I used to have a tiger mom. I am the youngest in the family; my mom passed away when I was fourteen, so that was difficult, and because of that, I became much more independent.

I’m very happy to be Chinese. I received my primary school education in a Chinese school and that helps you a lot. Then when I entered Universiti Teknology Malaysia for my bachelor’s degree, I had to share rooms with two Malay roommates. That was a university policy: the first year, you have to mix roommates. It shouldn’t be from the same race, so that it could create some race integration.

That’s what happened, and that helped me a lot because I realized when I was doing research in Sabah, many of them are from different ethnic groups. I’m always perceived as a Chinese that can speak good Malay, and I do understand about the culture, because, I think, I lived with roommates from different ethnic groups. It helps you become more sensitive and understand about other people’s cultural practices, and that helps me a lot when I do my research.

You mentioned that you are happy to be Chinese. In your opinion, what makes Chinese culture so special?

Hong Ching:
That’s funny because just now you ask that, and I think: “Yes, no doubt.” But now that I try to point it out it’s like… What is it I love so much about being raised in a Chinese family?

I like the perseverance. My father was a farmer, and I see how much perseverance he had, and hard work, These two things I really appreciated and learned from him. I think being raised in a Chinese family in a big Malay village was not easy for me, because ever since I was young, I felt distinctive, but at the same time, you have friends from other ethnic groups that come together.

I also appreciate how the Chinese appreciate relationships. It’s not in a very vocal, expressive manner, but at the same time we are perseverant. We are not very vocal in general – especially, for instance, my father. He usually lets the actions talk, rather than he himself talk. And that’s something I learned from him, as well as being perseverant, because we came from a very poor family. But we realized that that should not be something that is going to beat us down, and that is something that I do really appreciate.

What is life about?

Hong Ching:
Life is a journey, that’s what I always believe. It is a process. I used to be trained in Malaysia in urban planning – I plan everything. But I do realize that I have to be very patient to get to the outcome, but actually enjoy the process itself, and one of the quotes I always remember is that that life is a learning process, and the learning process continues and gets harder until we learn.

I do realize that when there’s a challenge, I always see it positively and there must be some things that I could learn and use to move on, and when I have this kind of breakthrough, this enriches my life towards betterment.

Thank you so much for this conversation.


Goh, Hong Ching is a senior lecturer and currently the Urban and Regional Planning program coordinator at the Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Malaya.

She holds a Doctor of Natural Science degree (Geography) from Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn (attached to ZEF), Germany, a Bachelor degree in Urban and Regional Planning and a M.Sc. degree in Tourism Planning from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

She is a corporate town planner registered with the Malaysia Institute of Planners and the Board of Town Planners Malaysia.

She was a visiting scholar in the MIT-UTM Sustainable Cities Program (2014/2015), a member of the Global Young Academy 2015-2019), a fellow of the ASEAN Science Leadership Program (2016/2017).

Her recent research interests focus on the interface of development and conservation domains and the cross-cutting challenges and implications, which include urban planning and urbanization-related risks, tourism planning and impact management as well as the multi-level governance of natural resource and protected areas.

Currently, she is heading the Malaysian case study in the prestigious 4-year program ‘Blue Communities’, an interdisciplinary program aimed at capacity building among the researchers from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, United Kingdom and Vietnam for sustainable interaction with marine ecosystems.

Channel “Women in Science Without Borders – WISWB

Women in science without borders-WISWB
For equality in the sake of reaching sustainability for a better future.
A new initiative, network and movement for women in science without borders was founded by Amal Amin, associate professor at National Research Center, Egypt, to empower women in science, whether seniors or young with excellence and cooperation with their males colleagues inside scientific communities, to raise the value and impact of scientific research in favor of sustainable development goals. The initiative began in 2017 by holding its first meeting in Cairo. The conference was a mix of scientific lectures, discussions, and students’ interactions and competitions to create a complete healthy scientific atmosphere between seniors and young both males or females.

The second conference was organized by one of the participants at the first conference (prof. Sonali Das) and asked to transfer it to South Africa. The conference was held in the University of Johannesburg, 21-23 March 2018.

The 2019 conference was held again in Cairo in March as the month of several events dedicated to women to honor their daily-life contribution generally and as scientists specifically with highlighting the need for further cooperation with males partners in all scientific communities in academia, research centers, industry, private sector, NGOs and in all aspects of life to be a role model for all society.

The fourth event, in February 2020, took place for the first time out of the African continent, in Rio de Janeiro, with the support of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. It was organized by Prof. Marcia C. Barbosa, Prof. Carolina P. Naveira-Cotta, and Prof. Andrea Simone Stucchi de Camargo.

Here some impressions!

Channel “Brazilian Academy of Sciences”

Brazilian Academy of Sciences
The Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), founded in 1916, is a non profit, non governmental, independent entity which operates as an honorific scientific society and as a consultant for the government, when requested to do so, to perform technical studies and studies on scientific policies. Its focus is the scientific development of the Country, the interaction among Brazilian scientists and the interaction of these with researchers from other nations.

We spoke with Dr. Marcia Barbosa, one of the directors of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), about the role of science in Brazil right now and about the mini-series “Science creates development”, produced by the Academy.

“To glimpse into the future, tough, it is necessary to analyze the past and when it comes to the history of Brazilian science, the past is brilliant. Even though science financing was always inconsistent and precarious, Brazilian scientists were responsible for the invention of the polyvalent antiophidic serum; were the firsts to ever trace the entire cycle of a disease, — the Chagas Disease; and participated in the discovery of the meson pi particle. They have also discovered the bradykinin, a potent vasodilator that is used until now in the treatment of hypertension; Brazilian scientists were the firsts to complete a heart transplant in the Latin America and were the firsts to identify the Aedes aegypti as the transmitter of the yellow fever in Latin America.

Even with the great achievements of the past, today, more than ever before, the practice of scientific outreach has a crucial role on the destiny of science in the country. The creation of public policies that protect the investments in this field will be a reality only when citizens and political representatives recognize what the scientific community emphasized for a long time: science creates development!

Enjoy these whiteboard videos about Brazilian scientists produced by the Brazilian Academy of Science:

Johanna Döbereiner (28.November 1924 – 5.October 2000) was a Brazilian agronomist. She played an important role in Brazil’s soybean production by encouraging a reliance on varieties that solely depended on biological nitrogen fixation.

Alberto Álvaro Alberto da Mota e Silva was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1889. He joined the Brazilian Navy in 1906, initiating an important trajectory that would change the direction of development in Brazil.

Marcos Luiz dos Mares Guia (1935-2002) had his work recognized in numerous instances, inside and outside the academic environment. He is one of the most important researchers in the field of biotechnology in the country, Marcos was one of those responsible for the discovery of recombinant human insulin. He was also in charge of the foundation of Biobrás, a pioneer in the manufacture of insulin in Brazil.

Milton Almeida dos Santos (May 3, 1926 – June 24, 2001) was a Brazilian geographer who had a degree in law. He became known for pioneer works in various fields in geography, notably urban development in developing countries. He is considered the father of Critical Geography in Brazil.

Channel “World Sustainable Development Forum”

World Sustainable Development Forum
A global forum for sustainable development
"WSDF would provide a vibrant platform for bringing all stakeholders together to move away from patterns of economic growth which ignore the damage and destruction to our planet as a consequence of current patterns of production and consumption."

Few would disagree that there’s growing evidence showing the terrible impact of climate change on our planet, but what exactly is being done about it? Although the Paris Climate Agreement is a step in the right direction, researchers and scientists believe that more focus needs to be given to the technological, economic, and policy dimensions of the challenge facing modern society today, as we are tasked with preserving the planet’s natural resources. Ahead of the World Sustainable Development Forum in Mexico City this week, its President, Dr Rajendra K. Pachauri, spoke to Traces.Dreams about the aims of the Forum, and the necessity in establishing long-term goals to lower greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the delicate ecosystems of our planet over the next century.

Channel “NSTDA”

The National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) is an agency of the government of Thailand which supports research in science and technology and its application in the Thai economy.

We met Dr. Narong Sirilertworakul a couple of weeks ago in Thailand. He is the President of Thailand’s National Science and Technology Development Agency, an organization focused on increasing Thailand’s reputation as a global competitor in the fields of scientific research and technology, with the aim of modernising the country’s industries, growing GDP, and improving quality of life for the people of Thailand.
Dr. Sirilertworakul holds a BA in Industrial Engineering and a PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. He has extensive experience in research, management, and quality, and was a founding member of the Thailand Quality Awards. Dr. Sirilertworakul also serves as a Chairman on the boards of several innovation and technology-based businesses.

Channel “Global Young Academy”

Global Young Academy
We have been collaborating with the Global Young Academy on different video projects.
The Global Young Academy is an international society of young scientists, aiming to give a voice to young scientists across the globe. Membership strength is capped at 200, and the membership tenure is 5 years.

"The Global Young Academy gives a voice to young scientists around the world. To realise our vision, we develop, connect, and mobilise young talent from six continents. Moreover, we empower young researchers to lead international, interdisciplinary, and inter-generational dialogue with the goal to make global decision making evidence-based and inclusive."

Enjoy this mini-series produced together with the Women in Science working group:

Early-career researches (ECRs) from around the world, including GYA members and alumni, share their experiences with science leadership training. They discuss the challenges ECRs face and how science leadership capabilities support positive and impactful actions, and describe their key learnings and how these apply in their careers.

Dr. Anindita Bhadra is a behavioural biologist, working with free-ranging (stray) dogs in India. While pet dogs are studied extensively and compared with wolves in order to understand the evolution of the dog-human relationship, free-ranging dogs in India provide the perfect model system for studying them in nature, and building an understanding of the intrinsic nature of dogs. As they have hardly been studied so far, Dr. Bhadra chose the dogs as a model system, shifting completely from her zone of training and comfort, social insects. This gave her the freedom to set up a research group from scratch, doing things that she had never done before, and exploring new vistas of research.

Dr. Bhadra was involved in the founding of INYAS, and was elected as the first Chairperson by the founding members in June 2015.

In June 2020 she was elected co-chair of the Global Young Academy. In this video, she shares her personal story.

You can find out more about her here:

Dr Flávia Ferreira Pires is Professor of Social Anthropology at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil.

She completed her bachelor degree in Social Sciences. She earned a Master´s and PhD degrees in Social Anthropology at the National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

She became a professor at a young age. Since then, she has been leading various research projects, mainly aiming at understanding the everyday lives of children from their own perspectives and the macro structures that outline their existence. She has published over forty papers, book chapters, and books in influential periodicals and journals in Brazil and elsewhere.

In this video, she shares her personal story.

You can find out more about her here:

Dr. Shalini S. Arya is currently an Assistant Professor at the Food Engineering and Technology Department Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai. She works in the area of Indian traditional foods, in particular cereal-based staple foods such as chapatti, phulka, thepla, khakhara, thalipeeth, naan, and kulcha.

Her work is focused on various aspects such as product development and standardization, nutritional improvement and characterization, chemistry and technology, staling, extension of shelf life using various technologies (MAP, oxygen scavenger, chemical, freezing, etc) for these products, all of which would have far-reaching significance in improving public health in India and that too based on the resources that are locally available and food staples that are regularly consumed by the locals. She has more than 50 publications in international journals of high repute. Thus, Dr. Shalini is indirectly contributing to improving the public health of the Indian population.

In this video, she shares her personal story. The journey that started with the curiosity and the passion of a child.

You can find out more about her here:

In 2012, Eqbal M.A. Dauqan received her Ph.D in Biochemistry from the School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia, sponsored by the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD). Her main research interest is biochemistry, food antioxidants, and nutrition.

Her thesis was awarded for being an excellent thesis. She was appointed as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, FST, UKM from July 2012 to July 2013. In July 2013 she was appointed as Senior lecturer at Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences- Faculty of Medical Sciences, Al-Saeed University (SU) – Taiz, Yemen, where she became Head of the Medical Laboratory Sciences Department at the same Faculty.

In 2014 Eqbal established a new program entitled Therapeutic Nutrition Department in, SU. She was selected as one of five winners of the 2014 Elsevier Foundation Award for Early Career Women Scientists in the developing countries (Chemical Sciences). Eqbal was selected to be a visiting scholar in UKM, Malaysia sponsored by IIE_SRF (USA) from Feb 2016 to Feb 2018.

In February 2018, she affiliated with the Global Young Academy as a mentee in the At-Risk Scholar initiative. In September 2018, she had been selected as TWAS Young Affiliate for 2018-2022. Currently, Eqbal was appointed as an associate professor at the University of Agder (UIA), Kristiansand-Norway through the Scholar at Risk (SAR) Network, USA.

In this video, she shares her personal story. The journey that started with the curiosity and the passion of a child.

You can find out more about her here:

The Global Young Academy gives a voice to young scientists around the world. To realise this vision, we develop, connect, and mobilise young talent from six continents. Moreover, we empower young researchers to lead international, interdisciplinary, and inter-generational dialogue with the goal to make global decision making evidence-based and inclusive.

We produced this video together with the Members of the Global Young Academy Women in Science working group. Listen to these inspiring researchers. They speak about their work, motivations, and dreams.

Learn more about the Global Young Academy here:

Listen to these young scientists and learn more about their work, their questions and why they believe it is important what they are doing.

We produced these four videos together with the Global Young Academy working group “Trust in (Young) Scientists”.

“Worldwide, there are worrying signs of falling trust in scientific knowledge. The denial of climate change, the anti-vaccine movement, and religious rejections of evolutionary biology are some of the most prominent examples, but they might be just the tip of an iceberg. The causes of this development are complex. But in an age of “hyperspecialization” (Millgram 2015), trust in scientific knowledge is essential: people simply cannot have expertise in all the areas that are relevant to their lives.

It seems that one of the core issues of the problem is that the general public often knows very little about why it should trust scientists, and how much work and care go into establishing scientific claims.

This GYA working group starts from the belief that by better explaining how science actually works, and by showing some of the faces behind the anonymous façade of “science”, trust can be regained.”

If you want to find out more about it, here the link.

A short message to all young women by the amazing researchers in the Global Young Academy working group Women in Science.
Learn more:

This GYA Working Group focuses on biodiversity conservation from a biomedical perspective.
The aims are to preserve knowledge about the medicinal properties of different species, create a global knowledge hub for biodiversity and biomedicine, and develop new pharmaceuticals from nature while protecting biodiversity.The loss of biodiversity minimises the potential for harvesting new medicines and for future medical discoveries. This is due to the interdependence of sustainability of the environment, human wellbeing, and the development of new public health practices. The actions of our group will mobilise the skills and expertise within the GYA to address this issue. In addition, the Bio2Bio incubator group aims to create practical recommendations for the sustainable use of Earth’s finite natural resources for healing purposes and requests the support from policymakers. With the expanding loss of biodiversity, we must act now to avoid losing new solutions for human-focused problems. Read more on the Global Young Academy website.

Watch our video about the amazing project The Global State of Young Scientists (GloSYS), a research project initiated by the Global Young Academy investigating the community of young scientists in and from Africa.

Channel “Unrisd”

The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development is an autonomous research institute within the UN system that undertakes interdisciplinary research and policy analysis on the social dimensions of contemporary development issues. Find out more about it here:

During the conference "Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilization" we interviewed some of the speakers. Here you can find all the videos of this mini-series about inequalities.

Inequalities are one of today’s greatest challenges, obstructing poverty reduction and sustainable development. Such disparities are catalysed by elite capture of economic and political power, a reinforcing process that compounds inequality, which—in its various dimensions—undermines social, environmental and economic sustainability, and fuels poverty, insecurity, crime, and xenophobia.

As the power of elites grows and societal gaps widen, institutions representing the public good and universal values are increasingly disempowered or co-opted, and visions of social justice and equity side-lined. As a result, society is fracturing in ways that are becoming more and more tangible, with the growing divide between the privileged and the rest dramatically rearranging both macro structures and local lifeworlds.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development seeks to overcome such disparities, “leaving no one behind”. But how can this ambitious vision be achieved in the current climate, in which those in power act to protect the status quo from which they benefit? How can we build progressive alliances to drive the political and policy changes needed for an equitable, inclusive 21st-century eco-social compact?

Find out more about the conference HERE



Income inequality has skyrocketed in the United States. Since 1980, the richest 1 percent doubled their share of the nation’s earnings, and these high earners are concentrated in the financial services industry. Today, hedge fund managers earn an average annual income of $2.4 million, astronomical payouts that have mostly gone to elite white men. Megan presents an insider’s look at the industry. Have a watch!

We spoke with Megan Tobias Neely during the conference: Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilisation, organized by The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

Find out more about UNRISD here:

Who owns the future of our cities? Who determines how they develop? Who decides what does it mean a “dream city”? How can we challenge the unequal power distribution?

Listen to Fritz Nganje, a lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg.
Mr. Nganje’s current primary area of interest focuses on the international relations of sub-national governments, and more specifically on how provinces, regions, and municipalities come together to promote city cooperation and inclusive urban governance and development.

We spoke with Fritz Nganje during the conference: Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilisation, organized by The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

The title of his presentation was :
City-to-City Cooperation and the Promise of a Democratic “Right to the City”

When city partnerships are designed and implemented in a manner that fails to challenge unequal power relations, the urban elite tend to use their position as gatekeepers of the institutional landscape of cities to determine which foreign ideas are localized and how, undermining
the transformative potential of city-to-city cooperation.

Find out more about UNRISD here:

How do the needs of indigenous communities transform over time, and how can these same communities integrate themselves into a rapidly changing society?

We sat down with Sudheesh Ramapurath, an ethnographer and a DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford, to talk about his research on Land and Livelihood struggles in India, his homeland. More specifically, Sudheesh’s research focuses on the struggles of the Paniyas, a community that is part of India’s indigenous peoples, the Adivasis. Sudheesh analyzes how, over time, starting from pre and post-independence periods right up to the modern day and age, the Paniyas are still living under the poverty line.
Why? What do they want? What do they need? What is the role of research?
What changes are needed?

We met Sudheesh Ramapurath, during the conference: Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilisation, organized by The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

The title of his presentation was :

Persistence of Poverty in an Indigenous Community
in Southern India: Bringing Agrarian Environment to
the Centre of Poverty Analysis.

Find out more about UNRISD here:

Is there hope for a structural change?

We sat down and talked to Gabriele Köhler a Development Economist, former UN official, and Human Rights advocate, about what we foresee for our society, economy, and planet 20 years from now. In her paper ‘’Creative Coalitions’’, she explains how, in a world marked by increasing exploitation, an unequal concentration of wealth and unfettered capitalism, there is room for hope and optimism thanks to new coalitions of people in civil society coming together to fight repression and standing up for common causes, mandates and concerns.

We spoke with Gabriele Köhler during the conference: Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilisation, organized by The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

The title of her presentation was :

Find out more about UNRISD here:

What does the future of equality and inequality look like in an interconnected world?

Listen to François Bourguignon, Emeritus Professor and Director of the Paris School of Economics.

We spoke with Prof. Bourguignon in Geneva during the conference: Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilisation, organized by The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

The title of his keynote was:
Global and National Inequalities: A Worried Look into the Future

Find out more about UNRISD here:

What does politics look like in sub-Saharan Africa? How does it work and whom does it benefit?

Development Economist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Ghana, Michael Danquah, explains the power plays in place to keep only a privileged few in rule of his country, while the rest of the population faces a stagnant economy that puts education, health, and public policies at risk.
Improving education, raising awareness and restructuring old and faulty concepts of power become keys to leading a country out of the darkness, and to help start to position them, little by little, on the path to economic, democratic and social development.

We spoke with Dr. in Geneva during the conference: Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilisation, organized by The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

The title of his presentation was:
Inequality and Institutions: Exploring the Mediating Role of Political Settlements in Some Selected African Countries

“In this paper, we quantitatively examine the interplay of legal, political and economic institutions and political settlements on income inequality. We focus on the marginal effect of the institutional variables on income inequality conditioned on political settlements. The findings show that the marginal effect of legal, political and economic institutions contingent on competitive clientelist political settlements exacerbates income inequality significantly. This means that politics and power play in competitive clientelist political settlements are detrimental to equality and poverty reduction.”

What do inequalities look like in different parts of the world, and what can governments, civil servants, and citizens do to eliminate them?

In the second episode of our ‘Inequalities’ mini-series, Carla Beatriz de Paulo – General Coordinator in the Ministry of Social Development in Brazil – tells us about what hides behind the rise of a ‘new middle class’ in her home country, where dependence on State social programs from lower income sectors do not seem to be decreasing.

Touching on racial, gender and social issues, Carla gives us an insight into the needs and limitations that the Brazilian population faces everyday, and tells us how academia and field work can come together to bring about solutions to an unequal playing field.

We spoke with Carla Beatriz de Paulo in Geneva during the conference: Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilisation, organised by The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

The title of her presentation was:
Brazil’s economic upsurge in the 2000’s : The rise of a “new” middle class or the fragmentation of the working class?
Because of the economic upsurge in the 2000s, part of Brazil’s working class started accessing durable goods and private services that had been historically inaccessible to them. This was interpreted by segments of the government and academia as a shift in class structure, and thus seen as the rise of a “new” middle class in Brazil that was less dependent on public services. This would then allow the state to restrict its role to regulating private services and providing public services to the poorest. This study suggests that interpreting this income shift as the rise of a “new” middle class is not only incorrect, but also potentially harmful to social change, since it incites fragmentation and disengagement within the working class. Alternatively, it argues that those who bene ted from the income shift are a fragment of the working class and far more dependent on state social services than advocates of the new middle class thesis suggest. In order to better understand this phenomenon, this study seeks to investigate the level of access to health and education services of those in this income range. The results obtained through data analysis reveal the predominant use of public health and education services by “new” middle class in 2008 and 2013, respectively.

Find out more about UNRISD here:

How does inequality look like through the political lens? What are the true details behind Government bias toward certain sectors of the population, and what is to be done about it?

By conducting a survey in countries like Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, Jonas Pontusson, Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Geneva, explains the intricacies of political inequality in developed countries, the importance of representation through political parties, and the role of these same parties in modern day politics and society.

We spoke with Prof. Jonas Pontusson in Geneva during the conference: Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilisation, organised by The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

The title of his presentation was:
On the Relationship Between Economic and Political Inequality: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go from Here?

Find out more about UNRISD here:


Channel “Conversations Across Borders”

Conversations Across Borders
A podcast born as a collaboration between GlobalNet21 and Traces&Dreams

In this Webinar one in our “Conversation Across Borders” series we will talk to Veronica Polinedro about how Sweden dealt with the influx of migration that swept Europe after 2015

During 2015, a record 1.3 million refugees crossed into Europe. Between 2015 and 2016, more than 2.5 million people applied for asylum in the EU.
Sweden is considering a “Welcome Card.” Upon arrival in Sweden, asylum seekers place a request for asylum and get registered with the national migration agency. Registered asylum seekers receive one Welcome Card per individual (based on age) to be used during the asylum application process, as both an identification card and as a key to their case status.

The card is to ensure the well-being of asylum seekers during, and after, the asylum seeking application process, revise the asylum seeking decision-making process for the national migration agencies and foster connection between asylum seekers, refugees and the local communities:
The story of the “Welcome card” began on May 20, 2016, when a team of experience designer, software developer, social entrepreneurs and business administrators came together during a 12-hour workshop to tackle the refugee crisis through design.

Veronica Polinedrio is a product UX designer working with transdisciplinary research and empathy to answer complex systemic challenges. In 2016, she founded The Welcome Card, where she lead product, design, and research. She has served as an advocate and coordinator for several community development projects, non-profit organizations, and start-up companies between the United States, Honduras, Sweden, and Italy. She is passionate about immigration and social dignity, designing solutions that build empathy and promote ethical practices for socio-politico-economical change within our communities

In this Webinar Interview with Jo Ruxton we discuss the huge problem of plastic waste and its impact on the oceans of our globe.

350 million tonnes of plastic are being produced each year. This could weigh more than humanity, estimated at 316 million tonnes in 2013. 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean every year. If waste management practices don’t improve, scientists predict this amount could increase tenfold by 2025
Plastics make up to around 75% of marine litter, although this can be up to 100% at some sites. Plastic in the ocean breaks up into smaller fragments called microplastics, which have been identified in commercial fish consumed by humans.

Jo Ruxton is the Founder Director and Producer of “A Plastic Ocean” the award winning documentary. It’s been named by Sir David Attenborough as “one of the most important films of our time” and has ignited mass consumer awareness.

In this webinar we interview Samara Croci who is a Brand and Communication Manager for Aquafil USA. Aquafil is a company that has placed the circular economy and sustainability at the heart of the company’s mission which is to save resources, give new life to otherwise lost materials and increase efficiency along the value chain.

Samara has 15 years of experience in communications for advertising, media production, social media, and branding.

In this webinar Samara will discuss the fascinating challenge – communicating the environmental problems we face today. It is an excellent school for a communications professional as it deals with something that you cannot always see, that is technical and complicated, and that we tend to avoid.

How can a company respect the environment go green and communicate its values to both its customers and to other businesses as well.

Samara is particularly interested in digital resources, and meaningful social media communication as well as video story telling to get her message about sustainability across.

Join us in this webinar which is the next episode in the Conversations Across Borders” series. It is about the journey of Ragnhild Larsson a journalist who made the journey to become a climate change activist

This was a knowledge journey through the different aspect of this issue – a ourney in the forefront of the climate change movement. A personal transformation, from a journalist to an activist.

In September 2015 Ragnhild Larsson . a Swedish journalist, based in Gothenburg started the podcast “The klimatpodden” about climate change. In her statement she told us

“I am worried and upset. The climate crisis changes everything. Why is this not the top priority in the media? How come our politicians don’t address the climate crises we are in in a proper way.” In Klimatpodden, the Swedish podcast about climate change you will meet researchers activists and entrepreneurs who act to handle the climate crises we are in the midst of.”

In this webinar we discuss with Iboro Otu from Nigeria how the Covid 19 pandemic has affected the African Continent and especially Nigeria.

In the UK and much of Europe we have had basic infrastructures like health services as well as an active voluntary sector ( as in Enfield) and although hugely under strain they have coped in the most difficult of circumstances.

But what happens in countries where that infrastructure is not there and where water is not always available and on tap. How do countries with widespread urban as well as trial communities enforce lockdown and social distancing. And how do Governments both cope and respond.

In this Webinar we discuss with Marie Elisabeth Mueller the power of storytelling in the digital age and how the news we hear can be democratised by the power of story telling.

But in the digital age story telling takes on a new form that involves text, graphics and video and makes the power of story telling something that crosses borders. And when so much news on the media is manipulated by the powerful story telling can provide a platform for all of us to correct the balance.

Dr. Mueller who was born in Duesseldorf holds a Ph.D. in Digital Storytelling, Media Science from the University Constance. She has been teaching interactive multimedia, crossplatform storytelling and trends in the media industry since 2014 at the Stuttgart Media University in Germany I work with people at the intersection of emerging technologies, digital literacy and communications.

In this Webinar Simon Nicholson an Assistant Professor in the
School of International Service Contact is interviewed by us about climate change and whether we will be able to meet the target set by the International Panel on Climate Change to reduce carbon emissions sufficiently to keep temperature rise below 1.5 degrees by the end of the century.

We know climate change is happening and we will have to adapt but are the measures to mitigate climate change and its impact enough or do we need more drastic measures like geo engineering. And if we do, how safe is that and what are the unintended consequences.

We also discuss how scientists communicate their concerns to both politicians and the general public so that the issues are understood clearly.

The World Health Organization in collaboration with arts and entertainment influencers and public personalities as well as leading arts and cultural entities are launching #SolidaritySessions and #SolidarityShows to a global audience.

Art, alongside science, is the way we can make sense of this moment of uncertainty and isolation, through an expression of solidarity and love with family, friends, as a community, a nation or as a species.

Celebrity musicians are sharing #SolidaritySessions, powered by Global Citizen, which are live performances taped in intimate settings and offered for free on social media to help share important updates and guidelines, show solidarity and raise funds for emergency programs. Tune into the sessions by following hashtag #TogetherAtHome.

We will be interviewing Lisa Russell who is a consultant/curator for the World Health Organization. Lisa is an Emmy-winning filmmaker, UN/NGO Storyteller and Artist Curator, 2x TEDx Speaker, Fulbright Specialist and Founder whose work lies at the intersection of arts, social justice and global development.

In this webinar we interview Nick Dearden the Director of Global Justice Now – a democratic social justice organisation working as part of a global movement to challenge the powerful and create a more just and equal world. They mobilise people in the UK for change, and act in solidarity with those fighting injustice, particularly in the global south:

Today we face two existential crises the corona virus pandemic and climate change and both bring the need for global justice strikingly to the forefront. As these crises unfold although they will impact on us all, it is the poor and vulnerable that will be affected the most.

Ho do we in a world in crisis, where fear and concern often makes us inward looking, find solutions to provide justice for those who need it the most.

In this webinar we interview the grand niece of Dag Hammarskjöld who was the second Secretary General of the United Nations and who died in a mysterious plane crash.

We talk to her about the legacy of her great uncle, the international situation today and also about her own work to further the vision of Dag Hammarskjöld.

You can follow Caroline’s Website with more information about what she does and also about her grand uncle at

Join this Conversation Across Borders Podcast where we interview Alex Kagansky on the biodiversity of life and how it is being threatened thus creating a crisis for humanity.

The loss of biodiversity both eliminates possibility to learn nature, and importantly to survive and help the future sufferers, including ourselves and our relatives and friends, as it minimises the potential for harvesting new medicines.

This is due to the interdependence of sustainability of the environment, human wellbeing, and the development of new public health practices. We aim to mobilise the skills and expertise to address this issue. Earth’s finite natural resources are essential for healing purposes and requests the support from society at large able national, religious, or other interests . With the expanding loss of biodiversity, we must act now to avoid losing new solutions for human-focused problems.

In this Webinar Interview we talk with Rickard Ydrenäs about how Europe views the British General Election result and what impact it will have in the coming decade.

Richard is a political scientist, journalist and communications specialist with expertise on the European Union’s work, the EU’s legislative process and financial markets regulation.

In this webinar we discuss how we might develop a series of global webinars to celebrate research, help academics tell their stories, and build learning across borders; whether they be barriers in language, knowledge, religions or education.

We hope to get academics to engage with audience to share knowledge and enhance experience and in this webinar we will discuss how we might do this.

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