The Biodiversity Of Life Interview with Alex Kagansky

Conversations Across Borders
A podcast born as a collaboration between GlobalNet21 and Traces&Dreams

Join this Conversation Across Borders Podcast where we interview Alex Kagansky on the biodiversity of life and how it is being threatened thus creating a crisis for humanity.

The loss of biodiversity both eliminates possibility to learn nature, and importantly to survive and help the future sufferers, including ourselves and our relatives and friends, as it minimises the potential for harvesting new medicines.

This is due to the interdependence of sustainability of the environment, human wellbeing, and the development of new public health practices. We aim to mobilise the skills and expertise to address this issue. Earth’s finite natural resources are essential for healing purposes and requests the support from society at large able national, religious, or other interests . With the expanding loss of biodiversity, we must act now to avoid losing new solutions for human-focused problems.

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