How to democratise news with the power of storytelling
In this Webinar we discuss with Marie Elisabeth Mueller the power of storytelling in the digital age and how the news we hear can be democratised by the power of story telling.
But in the digital age story telling takes on a new form that involves text, graphics and video and makes the power of story telling something that crosses borders. And when so much news on the media is manipulated by the powerful story telling can provide a platform for all of us to correct the balance.
Dr. Mueller who was born in Duesseldorf holds a Ph.D. in Digital Storytelling, Media Science from the University Constance. She has been teaching interactive multimedia, crossplatform storytelling and trends in the media industry since 2014 at the Stuttgart Media University in Germany I work with people at the intersection of emerging technologies, digital literacy and communications.
We are navigating recklessly toward our future using conceptions of time as primitive as a world map from the 14th century. …As a species, we have a childlike disinterest and partial disbelief in the time before our appearance on Earth.
Just as the microscope and telescope extended our vision into spatial realms once too minuscule or too immense for us to see, geology provides a lens through which we can witness time in a way that transcends the limits of our human experiences.