Nanotechnology and cancer diagnostics (Karina Pombo-Garcia)
Nanotechnology and cancer diagnostics
Researcher at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
The best cure for cancer we have today is to diagnose the disease in its early stages – but we don’t have such technology yet. The main problem with this kind of diagnostics is that the materials we use are attacked by our immune system. Karina Pombo-Garcia’s aim is to develop a new form of early cancer diagnostics which is compatible with the human body.

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Learn more about Karina's work:
How I became a Falling Walls Lab Finalist
New tools for detecting cancer
FameLab 2014, Siegerin Karina Pombo-Garcia in Kassel
FameLab 2014 - Karina Pombo-Garcia im Finale
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