
“Each one of you can change the world,
for you are made of star stuff,
and you are connected to the universe.”
— Vera Rubin

If you, like us, are a believer in the transformative power of ideas, help us celebrate remarkable researchers and share their compelling stories far and wide. Join our community and plug into the conversation! You can view all videos on this platform free of charge, as we believe that knowledge should be free. That said, we need your support to get the word out. If you find anything here that inspires you creatively, intellectually or emotionally, please lend your support by sharing the platform with your peers. Because shared stories matter. And if you’re interested in a partnership, a collaboration of some nature or would like to sponsor our content, don’t hesitate to reach out.
  • In a world of storytellers, we foster a world of “story listeners.”
  • In a world of round-the-clock news feeds, we believe in slow content.
  • In a world divided by walls, we elevate bridges.
  • In a world of knee-jerk answers, we encourage open-ended questions.
  • In a world that values certainty, we embrace the inconclusiveness of knowledge.
  • In a world of friendships at a click, we champion deep connections.
  • In a world of impenetrable knowledge, we press for accessible entry points.
  • In a world consumed by one dominant narrative, we nurture a multiplicity of voices.

“We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.” – Edward Osborne Wilson

Would you like to become an ambassador?

Everybody has a story and yours is unquestionably worth sharing. Nevertheless, we believe that in this increasingly chaotic world, where everyone is constantly sharing the minutiae of their daily lives while extolling the virtues of storytelling, we are missing the point. We believe that the scientific realm, which operates mostly on peer reviews, should also cultivate peer empowerment. To celebrate one another and engage with our individual insights with greater intent.

The campfire was once upon a time a cherished place to recount, share and listen to stories. These days, everybody is sharing online. The question that begs asking is: who is really listening? The transformational power of stories has to do with the interplay between speaker and listener. We want to reestablish this invaluable dynamic. That, in a nutshell, is why we started #phdstories #studentstories.

We invite you to take a breather, grab a coffee, set out for a stroll with a friend, gather in a park with colleagues and have a conversation about your ongoing work, the research you’ve undertaken, the questions you want answered, the ideas underpinning the process, your dreams and doubts about it all… and to share it with us. If you’re curious about joining our vibrant community or would simply like to learn more, do reach out.

    *we will use this email only to answer your questions.






    Making the world a little wiser – A platform for change

    We are curators of ideas, enablers of conversations and believers in the power of narrative and education to imagine and create a shared and sustainable future.

    If we want a future for all, it cannot be imagined only by some.

    Nerina Finetto

    Born from the belief that we need to ask the big questions, we need conversations beyond borders, disciplines and tribes, we need knowledge out of academia and we need a life-long transdisciplinary education.

    Instead of looking for hope, look for action. Then, and only then, hope will come. We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed. Everything needs to change, and it has to start today.

    Greta Thunberg

    Our mission is to inspire, educate, and support holistic thinkers and connectors of dots, people, and cultures.

    The world needs people who do not only imagine a better future but dare to work for it (and keep believing it will become a reality).

    We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.

    Edward Osborne Wilson

    The only way to change an old story is with a new one.

    Let us keep wondering, dreaming, reframing.

    And let us do it together.

    Join the journey.

    Connecting broadly is meaningless unless you connect deeply.

    Tiffany Shlain

    Traces&Dreams AB

    c/o Impact Hub
    Jakobsbergsgatan 22
    111 44 Stockholm Sweden
    Org. nr: 559336-2196

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