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Education can and will change the world. Learn with us to think outside your tribe / see new possibilities for our future, and develop the skills to tell your story and reimagine our futures. We believe not only that the world needs new narratives but that narrative and storytelling literacy are key to imagine and develop a more equal and sustainable society. Our purpose is to democratize narrative and the imagination about the future.

Alexandra Macphee

Alexandra Macphee
Translator and Spanish Editor

With a degree in International Development Studies, Alexandra moved from Canada to Nicaragua in 2010 to pursue a career in the non-profit sector. While doing so, she developed her skills as a Spanish-English translator, interpreter, and teacher.

Alexandra loves being part of the Traces.Dreams team because she gets to combine her talent for languages with her passion for global issues.


Embracing· curating· navigating complexity
A platform for change.

We believe in the power of narrative to create a shared and sustainable future. As curators of ideas and enablers of conversations, we bring together multiple perspectives across disciplinary borders to imagine a new tomorrow.

There is no stronger power than our dreams and our hopes.

– Nerina Finetto

We value open questions over preconceived answers, listening as much as telling, depth of understanding above information overload, progressive wisdom over reductive knowledge, (we embrace the inconclusiveness of knowledge), deep connections beyond superficial contact, multiplicity of voices over a single narrative, empathy over polarization.

We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.

– Edward Osborne Wilson

Learn with us the power of conversations, of listening, of understanding outside your tribe and becoming a holistic thinker. The future needs dreamers, doers and dot-connectors.
The only way to change an old story is with a new one.
Keep questioning, keep wondering, keep imagining, keep reframing.

And join the journey:

There are no gods in the universe, no nations, no money and no human rights—except in the common imagination of human beings.

— Yuval Harari

Connecting broadly is meaningless unless you connect deeply.

– Tiffany Shlain


A podcast hosted by Dr Alice Krozer
Dr Alice Krozer is a researcher based in Mexico working on inequalities. In this space, we share the conversations Alice has with inequality experts from Mexico and around the world dedicated to studying inequalities from different angles and disciplines.

What are inequalities? Why do they matter? What could be done about them? Accompany Alice on her exploratory tour to better understand the shape, origins, and consequences of the complex phenomenon of inequality.
Want to know more? We invite you to join the conversation! Write to us with questions about inequality, or if you would like Alice to further explore some aspects you are particularly interested in.

In this episode, Alice meets Dr. Rosario Aparicio, a researcher at the Seminar for Labor and Inequality at El Colegio de México. They talk about the difficulties that indigenous women confront in the labor market, and in Mexico in general, the Zapatista revolution of 1994, and the current feminist movement and demonstrations going on these days.

The conversation is in Spanish with English subtitles!


A podcast hosted by Dr Alice Krozer
Dr Alice Krozer is a researcher based in Mexico working on inequalities. In this space, we share the conversations Alice has with inequality experts from Mexico and around the world dedicated to studying inequalities from different angles and disciplines.

What are inequalities? Why do they matter? What could be done about them? Accompany Alice on her exploratory tour to better understand the shape, origins, and consequences of the complex phenomenon of inequality.
Want to know more? We invite you to join the conversation! Write to us with questions about inequality, or if you would like Alice to further explore some aspects you are particularly interested in.

Rich Russians and wealth creation.

In this interview, Alice speaks with Dr. Elisabeth Schimpfössl, a sociologist specialized elites and Russia at Aston University (UK). They talked about Elisabeth Schimpfössl ‘s book ‘Rich Russians’, and how the dramatic changes in Russia since the 1990s conditioned wealth creation and concentration, and where the (in)famous oligarchs are now.


A podcast hosted by Dr Alice Krozer
Dr Alice Krozer is a researcher based in Mexico working on inequalities. In this space, we share the conversations Alice has with inequality experts from Mexico and around the world dedicated to studying inequalities from different angles and disciplines.

What are inequalities? Why do they matter? What could be done about them? Accompany Alice on her exploratory tour to better understand the shape, origins, and consequences of the complex phenomenon of inequality.
Want to know more? We invite you to join the conversation! Write to us with questions about inequality, or if you would like Alice to further explore some aspects you are particularly interested in.

In this episode, Alice speaks with the economist Dr. Eva Arceo-Gómez, professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico. Eva is one of the foremost gender economics experts in Mexico. They talk about Eva’s research on the penalty of motherhood in the labor market, the persistent gender pay gap, the unequal distribution of unpaid work in the home, and what needs to be done to improve women’s situation and decrease gender inequalities.


A podcast hosted by Dr Alice Krozer
Dr Alice Krozer is a researcher based in Mexico working on inequalities. In this space, we share the conversations Alice has with inequality experts from Mexico and around the world dedicated to studying inequalities from different angles and disciplines.

What are inequalities? Why do they matter? What could be done about them? Accompany Alice on her exploratory tour to better understand the shape, origins, and consequences of the complex phenomenon of inequality.
Want to know more? We invite you to join the conversation! Write to us with questions about inequality, or if you would like Alice to further explore some aspects you are particularly interested in.

The opportunities technologies hold for a better future.

In this episode, Alice speaks with Dr. Michal Kosinski from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior. Michal Kosinski’s research focuses on individual differences in behavior, preferences, and performance.
Alice and Michal speak bout the opportunities technologies hold for a better future, and how there is always a good and bad potential in all change.

Enjoy the conversation!


A podcast hosted by Dr Alice Krozer
Dr Alice Krozer is a researcher based in Mexico working on inequalities. In this space, we share the conversations Alice has with inequality experts from Mexico and around the world dedicated to studying inequalities from different angles and disciplines.

What are inequalities? Why do they matter? What could be done about them? Accompany Alice on her exploratory tour to better understand the shape, origins, and consequences of the complex phenomenon of inequality.
Want to know more? We invite you to join the conversation! Write to us with questions about inequality, or if you would like Alice to further explore some aspects you are particularly interested in.

This is a conversation between Alice and Hugo Cerón-Anaya, an assistant professor in the sociology and anthropology department at Lehigh University in Bethlehem

They talked about his recent book Privilege at Play, which analyses the entanglement of Class, Race and Gender in the creation of privilege in Mexico, through an ethnographic study of Golf clubs. Hugo explains about the importance of studying privilege and what it meant to immerse himself into spaces of privilege as a researcher (without belonging to them himself).


A podcast hosted by Dr Alice Krozer
Dr Alice Krozer is a researcher based in Mexico working on inequalities. In this space, we share the conversations Alice has with inequality experts from Mexico and around the world dedicated to studying inequalities from different angles and disciplines.

What are inequalities? Why do they matter? What could be done about them? Accompany Alice on her exploratory tour to better understand the shape, origins, and consequences of the complex phenomenon of inequality.
Want to know more? We invite you to join the conversation! Write to us with questions about inequality, or if you would like Alice to further explore some aspects you are particularly interested in.

The Covid-19 Crisis and Inequality in Mexico.

In this episode, Alice speaks with Dr. Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, Professor of Economics at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). They talk about the necessity to the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis on inequality in Mexico and the Latin American region, and how, in order to get rid of physical distancing, we first need to reduce the social distance between those who have, and those who don’t have, resources like income, health care, and others.

Traces&Dreams AB

c/o Impact Hub
Jakobsbergsgatan 22
111 44 Stockholm Sweden
Org. nr: 559336-2196

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