Diana G. Pinto

Diana G. Pinto
Country Director Sweden & Head of Outreach

I am a political scientist specializing in transitional justice and social psychology. My academic journey led me through International Relations, Peace and Conflict Research, and Genocide Studies, driven by a deep curiosity about how justice is sought and how individuals reclaim their agency in the aftermath of history’s darkest moments.
In Sweden, my work revolves around nonprofits and civil associations, where I lead the implementation of EU-funded projects focused on education and social improvement. The goal is always practical—creating structures that empower communities to move forward.

Writing is another essential part of my work. Through stories about self-efficacy and resilience, I explore how people go through adversity and shape their narratives.

Beyond my professional life, raising three boys has kept me grounded in the unpredictability of life and the small moments that matter most.

Demetrio Weber

Demetrio Weber
Communications & Media Journalist

A Journalist and Content Manager from Brazil, now based in Stockholm, with a passion for storytelling and a background in journalism and strategic communication. With experience across major news outlets, government institutions, and international organizations, his work focuses on crafting compelling narratives that inform, engage, and inspire.

Ilham Abidi

Ilham Abidi
  1. Regional Director of Agrifood innovation Center. Morocco
  2. President at OWSD Moroccan Chapter

She is interested on food security, water security, climate change mitigation, irrigation management, gender equality, rural women empowerment. She is focusing on valorisation of marginal environment by introducing and adapting alternative crops such as quinoa in Estern of Morocco. She is also interested in sustainable agriculture as a president of the association of the sustainable agriculture’s forum. She is involved in various research projects and is connected to several organizations worldwide, particularly Women in Science Without Borders (WISWB).

Kabila Faris

Prof. Dr. Kabila Faris Hmood

Prof. Dr. Kabila Faris Hmood obtained a Ph.D. in 1996. She has been a professor since 2004 and has worked at the University of Baghdad, Iraq, and Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan. Dr. Hmood has published many books and more than thirty-five research papers. She has supervised several master’s and doctoral theses. She is also a reviewer for numerous journals. She is the recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award from Civil Engineering and Architecture. She is also among the top reviewers for the Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering.

Dr. Hmood is a member of the international scientific advisory committees of many international conferences and a member of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD).

Mazen Elsaadany

Mazen Elsaadany
  • President of Sadat Academy for Management Science Student Union
  • Founder of VERSE Egypt
  • Volunteer in Ministry of Youth and Sports
  • Founder and President of BRICS Simulation Model EYC – Head of Cairo medical syndicate

Essam Ezzat Ayad

Dr. Essam Ezzat Ayad, M.D.
  • Head of the pathology department & director of the Telepathology program [the Italian hospital in Cairo]
  • The Supervisor & Consultant of The Developing Program for Pathology departments in All the National Cancer Centers in The Egyptian Ministry of Health
  • The Supervisor & Consultant of The National Program Of Digital Pathology in The Egyptian Ministry of Health
  • Consultant Pathologist & Director of the Digital Pathology Program, Al Borg Laboratories, Saudi Arabia
  • Referee in the Professors & Assistant Professors Promotion Scientific Committee in the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education
  • Member of the international committee of Euro-Mediterranean Medical Informatics and Telemedicine [EMMIT]
  • Member of the Scientific Committee & International Lecturer of Telepathology International Institute of Tele-Medicine [ITIM]
  • Fellow of The pathology Department [University of Padova, Italy]
  • Visitor Professor of Pathology, Near East University [North Cyprus]
  • Member in the International Academy of Pathology [Arab Division]
  • Member in the scientific committee of the Virtual International Pathology Institute (VIPI)
  • Referee for some international medical journals [Diagnostic Pathology Diagnosticpathology, Case Reports in Clinical Pathology, Histopathology, Kasr El Ainy Medical Journal & Egyptian Journal of Pathology]
  • Pioneer in Applying Digital Pathology in the Egyptian Universities with an excellent experience in telepathology & Image Analysis Programs
  • Have a very good experience in teaching and practicing pathology for 28 years, [Subspecialties: Breast, Neuro, & Uro-Pathology]

Sherine Ghaleb

Prof. Sherine Ghaleb
  • Head of Cairo medical syndicate
  • Head of Forensic medicine &clinical toxicology department, Faculty of medicine,Cairo university.
  • Head of the Forensic medicine service unit, Faculty of medicine,Cairo university
  • Head of post graduate section of Forensic med.and toxicology . Faculty of medicine, Beni-Sueif university
  • She had rewarded the Fellowship of Clinical forensic and legal medicine ,Faculty of forensic and legal medicine,Royal society of Medicine, United Kingdom2014
  • General Secretary of the arab forensic physicians

Nevine Labib

Prof. Nevine Labib

Successful research and development professional equipped to spearhead the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in various domains (healthcare, education, media, and national security) in Egypt through awareness events, forums, academic conferences, and educational programs. Develops and delivers rigorous curricula while kindling learners’ interest in emerging technologies, current best practices and future trends. Highly motivated corporate trainer with experience in training small and large groups across diverse industries, in several Arab countries (Kuwait, Bahrain, KSA, Oman).

Decisive leader with people skills and attention to detail. Frequent expert guest speaker on Egyptian TV shows (English and Arabic programs), speaking on diverse topics such as Artificial Intelligence and its current and future applications, the digitization initiative, and the role of data in decision-making. Served as the Academic advisor for ENACTUS in Sadat Academy for Management Sciences.

Dott Nerina Finetto

Dott. Nerina Finetto

Nerina Finetto is a visionary leader focused on shaping a wiser future. As the founder and CEO of Traces&Dreams, she leverages the power of knowledge to build a more sustainable and equitable world. Central to her ethos is the belief that narratives and education drive cultural and systemic transformation, fostering collective innovation. Through Traces&Dreams, she bridges knowledge silos to create a more interconnected and enlightened society.

She holds a degree in Modern Literature with honors from the University of Trento. Thanks to a DAAD scholarship and a History scholarship from the Graduate Academy at Saarland University, she spent four years researching storytelling and autobiographical writing at the University of Saarbrücken in Germany. After transitioning into journalism and television production, she produced documentaries and programs for German television, focusing on innovation, research, and development. As editor-in-chief for DaimlerChrysler’s worldwide corporate TV channel, she managed content development and implementation for daily broadcasts in seven languages. She also led the industrial video sector, collaborating with numerous German companies. Nerina is fluent in Italian, English, German, and Swedish. In 2015, she founded Traces&Dreams.

Traces&Dreams, a transdisciplinary agency, leads European and global projects focused on knowledge transfer across borders and disciplines. Its work emphasizes intersectoral change and science dissemination, aligned with its mission to foster global transformation. As a trusted partner, Traces&Dreams supports structural change, societal transformation, and cross-sectoral knowledge sharing. The organization has collaborated with international entities such as the Global Young Academy, Women in Science Without Borders, and ENCATC, and has led Erasmus+ and Creative Europe projects. In 2024, Traces&Dreams co-organized the World Forum for Women in Science

Newsletter #3 – July 2024

Newsletter #3 – July 2024

Welcome storytellers and story-listeners!

As we head towards the summer break, we’d like to take a moment to share some of the projects we’ve been working on. In these times of profound transformation, we are reminded that true change is always deeply personal, beginning with the resolve of individuals and spreading through the collective efforts of dedicated groups. Our journey is guided by the understanding that wisdom is cultivated through embracing diverse perspectives. Our aim transcends mere incremental improvements and strives for holistic, systemic change. We recognise that we are all shaped by our own experiences and the contexts in which we live. Thus, we continually challenge our assumptions and engage in meaningful dialogue, connect dots, and foster our capability to imagine, narrate, and prepare for more wiser alternatives.

The World Forum for Women in Science we organised reinforced, for example, our belief that there is hope, lots of hope, and potential embodied by changemakers around the world who are researching and working towards a more equal and sustainable future. At the same time, it made clear the critical need for networks and communities that support, connect, and empower these efforts. This is where we want to continue focusing in the coming months.

We are incredibly grateful to all our partners, friends, and supporters. Together, let’s continue to grow into a global community of dreamers and doers, united in our pursuit of a brighter tomorrow.

The World Forum For Women In Science 2024

In April, we held the World Forum for Women in Science, organised by Traces&Dreams as the partner of the Women in Science Without Borders Initiative in collaboration with the Fondazione Musica per Roma / Festival delle Scienze. This year’s conference, ‘Envisioning Tomorrow: Science for the SDGs and New Partnerships for Sustainable Futures’, emphasized the crucial role of science in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and focused on fostering knowledge exchange, dialogue and collaboration among researchers worldwide to envision the paths to a more equal and sustainable future.

The online conference fostered knowledge sharing and conversations on central and strategic scientific questions at a global level, while giving visibility to relevant and cutting-edge research.

Through (31) plenaries, panels and technical sessions held online over three days, the conference hosted more than 160 researchers from around the world, exploring topics ranging from zero hunger (food and agriculture); good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; industry, innovation, and infrastructure; reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; climate action; partnerships for the goals; and science diplomacy. A panel discussion on ‘Narratives That Matter’, featured diverse speakers exploring key themes at the intersection of academia and journalism. Considering strategies to bridge gender gaps in STEM and innovate in science communication from a range of perspectives emphasised the global impact of inclusive narratives – a central aspect of our vision at Traces&Dreams.

The Forum continued with an in-person networking event at Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome, where panels discussed the conference’s overarching themes, including challenges and opportunities for women in science, diplomacy and collaboration, science for sustainable futures and “envisioning tomorrow”. Speakers emphasised the importance of multidisciplinary partnerships in addressing global problems, such as food security, climate change, difficulties in policy making, and social injustice. Initiatives empowering women scientists and fostering collaborative environments were explored, drawing insights from gender and public policy research in different countries. The World Forum for Women in Science was a dynamic platform for international knowledge exchange and a symbol of a growing community working for a wiser and more equal tomorrow. For a detailed overview, you can explore the Reader, which compiles abstracts from speakers on a wide range of scientific topics, alongside essential presentations from guests and participants. The Reader will be available on the website and through the event’s official publication channels.

May saw the culmination of our Erasmus+ co-funded project for schools, Fair News.Emphasising the importance of critical thinking and media literacy for democratic society, we worked with high schools in Austria, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania to enhance students’ abilities in recognising bias, identifying trustworthy sources of information, and navigating and contributing to the contemporary media landscape.
The project’s results include a report on the creation and development of educational communities using methodologies of Theory of Knowledge and Media and Information Literacy, a framework for innovation pathways in the use of Theory of Knowledge among high school students, the Fair News Guide providing resources for the creation and dissemination of ‘fair news’, and a digital newspaper created by participating students from the four countries. Dissemination events were held in each country, including the final conference at the beautiful halls of Palazzo Pucci, Florence, and an online workshop led by Nerina Finetto, founder and director of Traces&Dreams, on media literacy and critical thinking. Find out more and download the project results at fairnews.eu.


As we enjoyed Sweden’s light June evenings, the Future Narratives partnership came together in Stockholm for a training and collaboration event dedicated to developing the Future Narratives Curriculum for youth workers, educators and practitioners. Building on the success of the methodology designed through our first project, we now aim to create a systematised curriculum transferable to diverse contexts across Europe. During our time together, we explored ways to broaden and deepen the Future Narratives approach, which combines storytelling and narrative analysis with Futures Literacy to empower young people in imagining and creating positive futures.

We considered how to foreground our open-minded, inclusive and constructive approach to the training of youth workers, and the key topics and methods to be incorporated in our training programme. Pilot training of youth workers will begin in September, before the new generation of Future Narratives practitioners lead their own workshops with young people. Partners, participants and young people will come together at the inaugural Future Narratives Festival in Ferrara, Italy, next spring – visit futurenarratives.eu for the latest news.

My Story – Bringing young people together through storytelling

Our collaborative project with Sollentuna Library, in Sweden, seeks to empower young individuals to explore their narratives and dive into various forms of storytelling. Beyond encouraging individual expression, our initiative aims to create stronger community ties among the youth of Sollentuna. At the heart of this initiative is the mission to provide a dynamic platform for young people to express themselves through different forms of storytelling.
We began in May with an introductory meeting, where we discussed together with the participants how we hope to shape the direction of these workshops. The young people also got to share their own expectations and preferences, which led to an engaging discussion about what they hoped to gain from the sessions and the types of activities they wanted to include. In our first workshop, participants experimented with three types of storytelling: telling a story, singing or rapping, or playing theatre. In the second workshop, we embarked on a journey of creativity as we aimed to foster imagination and self-expression. With brushes in hand and minds wide open, the youth were tasked with expressing their personal narratives through painting, focusing on the future. It was an exploration of not just colours and strokes, but also of hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
Our storytelling project with Sollentuna Library is a testament to our commitment to empowering young individuals, fostering community bonds, and unleashing creativity. By combining storytelling with unexpected challenges and creative workshops, our project stands as a beacon for youth empowerment, showcasing the transformative power of storytelling and shared experiences. As this journey unfolds, we anticipate it will leave a lasting impact on the youth of Sollentuna, creating a community of empowered storytellers and collaborators.

Future Framed – Our collective YouTube Channel

Subscribe to our YouTube channel
Our YouTube channel is for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. FutureFramedTV is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspectives on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

Dr Connie Nshemereirwe in conversation with Dr Neil Guerrero González

🎙️ Conversations on education are a series of short conversations recorded in Kigali, Rwanda in the frame of the Annual General Meeting of the Global Young Academy 2023. They are part of our podcast A is not for Apple, about #education in Africa and beyond hosted by Dr. Connie Nshemereirwe. #futureframedTV This is episode number 9. In this episode, you will meet Dr. Neil Guerrero González . Since 2016, Neil has been an Associate Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and currently, he holds the position of Vice-Chancellor of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Manizales Campus. He is interested in researching and teaching on the topics of signal processing for optical communications, extending connectivity to rural areas and engineering teaching – education. He received his electronic engineering degree and his master’s degree in industrial automation from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and his PhD in photonics engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. Neil has experience in the industry of telecommunications (Huawei European Research Center in Munich – Germany and CPqD in Campinas – Brazil) for more than 5 years.

We wish you a summer of peace and restoration, and look forward to sharing more stories soon!

Warm regards,
The Traces&Dreams Team

Traces&Dreams AB

c/o Impact Hub
Jakobsbergsgatan 22
111 44 Stockholm Sweden
Org. nr: 559336-2196

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